About Kathy Gabriel
Kathy (She/They) is an entrepreneur, educator and therapist based in Singapore. With a family background in Traditional Chinese Medicine, she started her journey in mindfulness, yoga and the healing arts at the age of 14. Kathy is a licensed Craniosacral Therapist and professional member of Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT) offering healing and recovery by gently guiding the body, mind and spirit back to its natural state of harmony. Kathy wholeheartedly believes in the innate intelligence of the body and the role of touch in facilitating deep rest and transformation.
Throughout her years of practice, she now combines Craniosacral Therapy with other modalities from Myofascial release, Somato emotional release, Neural manipulation and Visceral manipulation. Outside of manual therapy, she is also a certified sound therapist and therapist trainer in Singapore. Her deepest purpose is to help others explore their internal landscapes, to better understand their nervous system and health so that they can find their way back to well-being. She works one-on-one with clients at Soma Haus with a focus on chronic pain and trauma. Soma Haus is the manifestation of her dream to build community, transform the perspectives of health and to bring holistic wellness education to a wider audience.
To find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, click here.
Other Trainings & Certifications
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Body Intelligence
Craniosacral Therapy, Upledger Institute (CST 1 & 2)
Somato Emotional Release, Upledger Institute (SER1)
Visceral Manipulation, Barral Institute (VM1-4)
Neuromeningeal Manipulation: An Integrative Approach to Trauma, Barral Institute (NM1-3)
Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System (VNANS), Barral Institute
Structural Essentials Part 1, Anatomy Trains
Neromuscular Release, Anatomy Trains
Anatomy Trains in Motion, Anatomy Trains
Sound Therapy Level 1, 2 & Master Sound Practitioner, Wellness Space
Heartmath Interventions Certification, Heartmath
Basic & Advanced Sports Massage, ISA
Deep Tissue & Sports Massage, ITM
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga, Dr. Arielle Schwartz
RYT 200, Pre & Post Natal Certification
Stott Pilates Intensive Mat- Plus & Functional Anatomy
Connect with me directly
My email is always open for connection. Alternatively, if you would like to set up a session, please contact the Soma Haus directly.